We've launched our YouTube channel!


Newsletter 11

Newsletter 11

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This is your monthly reminder that at marimo, we’re on a mission to make the world’s best programming environment for working with data, and it’s all free and open source. Just pip install marimo or uv add marimo to get started!

You’re reading the eleventh marimo newsletter.

Since the last newsletter was mailed a month ago, we’ve had 11 new releases many new features, including the ability to use our SQL cells to query your own databases, and lots of exciting activity in our community.

But first: if you have feedback, we want to hear from you! Either hit reply or head over to https://marimo.io/feedback.

🎥 Announcing the marimo YouTube channel!

It’s official: marimo’s YouTube channel is live! We’ve told you many times now how marimo is revolutionizing the way people work with data, but in this channel, we’ll show you.

Our channel premieres with a video on how marimo fixes Python notebooks, featuring a fun demo involving solar data.

On this channel, we’re also cataloging podcasts we’ve gone on, including our most recent one, in which Akshay talks about the future of Python programming environments with Weights and Biases CEO Lukas Biewald.

These videos were created by the one and only Vincent Warmerdam — who, we’re excited to announce, has joined marimo team full-time (🎉!). Make sure to hit subscribe to get notified when the next video drops!

📚 marimo learn

Earlier this month, we announced marimo learn — a curated collection of educational marimo notebooks, spearheaded by prolific marimo team intern Srihari Thyagarajan.

These notebooks teach foundational concepts in computer science, machine learning and more, with an emphasis on computation. Teaching materials are all open-source, hosted on GitHub. We’re started with courses on introductory Python, probability, and optimization, with courses on Polars, PyTorch, and more coming.

marimo learn is a project for the community, by the community: we’d love your help! Head over to the repo to learn how to contribute.

Connect to your own databases

You can now easily connect to your own database (Postgres, SQLite, Snowflake, …) from the marimo editor: just open the data sources panel and click “Add database” to get started. You can also connect programmatically. For a video walkthrough, check out this video by BugBytes.

Once connected, you can use marimo’s SQL cells to query your database and get the results back as a Polars or Pandas dataframe. You’ll also see your databases, and previews of their tables and columns, in our refreshed data sources panel.

This feature makes marimo one of the only open-source interactive programming environments that lets you seamlessly go and forth from SQL and Python. Stay tuned for more updates, including the ability to persist and load connection secrets.

Thanks to Shahmir Varqha for contributing this feature!

🤖 Sneak peek: create notebooks from natural language

We’re cooking up something new: head over to https://marimo.app/ai to generate entire notebooks, in one shot, using just English. This is under active development (implemented by Myles just last week!) — consider this a sneak peek for newsletter subscribers.

🍃 Community

We have 94 contributors pushing code to marimo, up from 89 last month, and over 1.5k marimonauts hanging out with us on Discord — come chat! We’ve crossed 10.7k stars on GitHub, up from 9.8k last month!


Don’t forget to check out our awesome-marimo repo, and please submit your own project via a PR!


the marimo team 🍃