Newsletter 3

Newsletter 3

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Hi! 👋 You’re reading the third marimo newsletter. If you’re new here: welcome to the marimo community!


We just published a blog post on lessons learned reinventing the Python notebook, i.e. while building marimo. In it, I talk about how we went about redesigning the notebook from first principles: we wanted a computationally reproducible notebook that was maintainable as real software and also multi-purpose — shareable as an app, executable as a script, and more.

Coming to the design we have today was difficult, and we learned some important lessons on how to design for your users while also managing complexity. Read the blog to learn more.

New features

Since the last newsletter landed in inboxes a couple months ago, we’ve shipped dozens of new features. Some highlights:

  • Intelligent module reloading: make changes to Python files and marimo can reload affected cells for you.
  • 🏃 Lazy runtime: we’ve made it much easier to work with expensive notebooks by adding a setting that marks cells as stale instead of automatically running them, executing cells only when needed.
  • 🤖 AI suggestions: BYO Open AI API Key to unlock AI-powered suggestions.
  • 📝 Markdown export: Use marimo export md to export notebooks to markdown, then render with Quarto or anything else!
  • 🏠 Edit multiple notebooks using our new home page: marimo edit now launches a home page that lets you start, edit, and stop multiple notebooks.


We’re so proud of our community! We have over a dozen contributors pushing code and pushing marimo forward, and many more contributors reporting bugs, sharing feedback, and hanging with us in Discord. Thank y’all for being so great!

P.S. Have a cool notebook you want to share? Hop into our Discord and add it to our community-driven library. There are all kinds of cool notebooks to browse, including a scientific paper browser made by a researcher at CZ:


Have feedback?

We want to hear from you. If you use marimo — what do you like about it, and why do you use it? If you tried marimo but didn’t stick with it — why’d you stop? Feedback is what keeps us going, so please don’t hesitate to reach out; just hit reply to start a conversation.

Finally, if you like what we’re doing, we’d be really grateful if you’d dropped us a on GitHub, shared marimo with your friends and colleagues on social media/IRL, or hung out with us on Discord.

Thanks all!
